Wall Number 22 Completed

by | Jun 1, 2002

For the first time there’s enough walls completed to make it appear as if all the walls are done. If anything, it’s a sense of accomplishment.

Moonfest is over now and things have returned back to normal at Day Creek. Wall number 22 was completed this week, even though I had a late start. Monday was a day to relax a bit. I didn’t get too much done other than getting my supplies for the week. Tuesday I was able to get most of a full work day in before the afternoon thundershowers and Wednesday it never did rain, so I worked until 8:30 in the evening. Having the wood already cut and beveled helped quite a bit, leaving me with the tasks of mixing mortar and slurrying paper. By Thursday morning I was working on the top quarter of the wall and with the help of Tom, we were able to complete the wall by afternoon.

I estimate that it takes approximately 22 to 24 batches of mortar to complete (1) 8′ x 8′ wall. (Since the walls are 8″ in width, the mortar bead runs all the way through the wall—approximately 7″ of mortar.) In terms of person-hours for one wall I estimate that it takes approximately 35 to 40 hours of labor. This figure includes any prep work and wood cutting / beveling. I haven’t kept a log of man-hours, but maybe I’ll do that next week and report my findings here. It would be interesting to get a more exact figure.

By the way, the caber toss log from Moonfest was cut up and used in wall number 22 and the iron skillet was reasoned and put to use on my stove. So much for sentimental value!

This coming week I’ll be working on one of the walls located on the west-northwest side of the house. The idea is to leave the north and northeast facing walls for the heat of the summer.

Upcoming MREA Fair
This year’s MREA Fair is being held in Custer, WI at the headquarters for the MREA on June 21- 23. If you are interested in cordwood construction, you might want to be at this year’s fair. Rob Roy, Richard Flatau, Cliff Shockey and other builders will be in attendance. I just received their workshop schedule and there’s lots to see. If you are interested in attending, here’s a link to their web site: http://www.the-mrea.org.

A Northern Oriole (A.K.A. Baltimore Oriole) dines on grape jelly. Year’s prior I had tried enticing them with oranges, but thanks to Tom’s suggestion of grape jelly, I have now found the key to attracting the orioles. They are fun birds to watch!