T-Minus 4 Walls and Counting

by | Jul 20, 2002

I can see light at the end of the tunnel! The question is: Is it a freight train? Granted it is only the outside walls, but when they are done it will be a moral victory for sure.

Work has been tough though with temperatures in the 90’s and long work days. One day I worked 13.5 hours and that’s excluding lunch and a few breaks here and there. I’m pushing things a bit, but as long as I have dry weather and sunlight, I’m doing my best to get the walls done. I know how fickle the weather can be, so I must take advantage when I can.

The wood pile that has sustained me through the summer is now depleted so the work day includes cutting and beveling along with the rest of the chores associated with building cordwood walls. This slows me down a bit and I was quite grateful when Tom showed up to lend a hand mixing mud and beveling wood. Having an extra pair of hands always does help. As always—thank you Tom!

So what’s on the agenda? Out of the four remaining walls, two are full panel walls and two contain door frames. Next week, I will again try to finish another full wall, weather permitting.

Veggie Burger Insulation
Well… not really, but there is a new foam insulation product on the market called HealthySeal that is made from soy oil instead of petroleum. This sounds like a wonderful product, but I can’t get a hold of the company to get more information. It’s been over two weeks and no reply. I’ve left phone messages and e-mail messages. Maybe their swamped with requests or understaffed or maybe it’s a front for some back-room bookie operation. Whatever the case, I sure wish I could get a response out of them. I’ll be needing to make a final decision on the insulation soon. HealthySeal come out, come out from wherever you are!

Here’s their web site in case you are interested: http://www.healthyseal.com/

That about wraps it up for this week. No snakes to report, but I did find a tree frog burrowed in the slurry barrel and a few toads underneath it.

Are your scales cracking and pealing? Feeling a bit on the dry side lately?

Well then Al’s Reptile and Amphibian Slurry Spa may just be what the doctor ordered. Yes, that’s right! Al’s Slurry Spa is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week providing all who crawl from under rocks a chance to get away from the heat and soak up a few cc’s of water.

If you are a snake, you’ll just love our under-the-barrel drip rehydronator. Just simply squeeze under the barrel and within minutes you’ll be gently massaged by the drip, drip, drip of the draining slurry located directly above you.

You say you are a frog? Well my friend, you’ll love to burrow through a bunch of slurried Wall Street Journals in our extra large slurry pit. Fresh slurry delivered daily too!

And if that’s not enough, stop by on Saturday night for our Saturday Night Slurry Special and jam with the dynamic sounds of Terry and his Timber Rattlers! You’ll hear those favorite songs like “You’re as Cold as Ice”, “Spiders and Snakes”, “At the Hop”, “Snake, Rattle and Roll”, “One Croak over the Line” and “Jerimiah was a Bull Frog”. And wait…there’s more…Special guest appearances by The Turtles and Muddy Waters.

So where is Al’s Reptile and Amphibian Slurry Spa? Just head east of the strange, sixteen-sided, Kentucky-Fried-Chicken-Like building and follow the trail of paper. Valet parking available, reservations suggested.