No More Making Hay

In May this year I went to our county’s Ag Center to apply for the Department of Agriculture’s 2003 CRP (Conservation Reserve Program). The CRP is a federal program in which the government pays you not to grow crops on farmland in order to put aside...

Putting it to Bed

The five interior cordwood walls that make up the master bedroom and closet were completed this week. The last wall of the bedroom was a window wall and I found myself wrestling with a screw-gun attachment that was suppose to make lath hanging a breeze. The darn thing...

The Great Bottle Debate

  For the most part Jo and I agree on most subjects related to the house. There are occasions though that we have our artistic differences. One of these “occasions” occurred when we started discussing the glass bottle design to be located in the center...

You stack 17 feet and what do you get?

You get a lot of cordwood! This was a first for this cordwood builder—17 feet of continuous cordwood from floor to ceiling. It all started last week with the Oneida crew helping with the construction of the first floor wall. By the end of last week, the wall was up to...