The Second Great Wall of Cordwood

With the help of Jo, we got the second wall complete (Another 7′ x 54′ wall). That now makes about 24 face cords of wood stacked. I estimate that we have about another 4 to 5 more to go. That puts us real close to what we will need for our total...

The Great Wall of Cordwood

With my measly kerosene heater in hand, I was able to stack the first row of wood. The wall is 8′ high and almost 54′ long. It’s necessary to stack the wood for a few of reasons. The first reason is to determine really how much wood I’ve got....

Well, so much for being neatly stacked…

Somewhere behind the pile of wood is what was the nicely stacked wood. The wood shown here is two truck loads worth of wood (24′ long Ryder truck). We didn’t have time to stack the wood because… The plan was to get the wood moved into the shed on...

The Road is In

  Here’s a view of our newly built road. This picture was taken near the front entrance looking up the hill (North). From here the road goes up to a somewhat “flat” plateau area and runs adjacent to a rectangular hay field that’s about 7...

Back From Ontario

Why were we in Ontario you ask? Well, it was a combination of vacation and research. Before telling you about Ontario, let me explain how we ended up there. During last summer, I attended a cordwood workshop in upper Wisconsin this summer hosted by Rob Roy. Rob has...

The Pole Barn is Up!

One of the first projects to get done is the pole barn. Storage is required for building materials for the house and this will provide temporary housing while the house is being built. The barn is 30′ x 54′ and will have a gravel floor. Thirty-two face...