A Visit by Cliff Shockey

This week was highlighted by a visit from Cliff Shockey. I first started talking to Cliff when I became interested in his double wall building technique. Cliff’s method prevents air infiltration and greatly enhances the wall’s R value by sandwiching...

Cistern Plumbing Installation

 This winter and spring have been exceptionally dry (so far). This is quite a contrast to last year’s weather. It seemed that while I was building the frame of the house it did nothing but rain, but now that the roof is up it hasn’t rained hardly at all....

Building the Window Frames

It’s been a few weeks since I last wrote and I’ve been busy building window frames. As stated earlier, the cordwood house is being constructed using Cliff Shockey’s double wall technique. With the walls comprised of 8″ of cordwood followed by...

MREA Solar Space Heating Workshop

For those of you who live in the Midwest, I cannot stress enough how fortunate we are to have the MREA (Midwest Renewable Energy Association) in our own backyard. I’ve been a member for four years now and I look forward to the Energy Fair each and every year....

Window Shopping is a Pane

Following in tradition with other cordwood builders, last week I journeyed into the unknown searching for the ultimate deal on windows. The goal was to find some good quality windows that were mis-sized for one reason or another and to design the cordwood walls around...

Electrical Design

Before any of the walls go up and even before the slab is poured, the utility designs must be completed. Over the last week, I’ve been tackling the electrical diagrams for the house. I would love to tell you that our house is totally self-sufficient, but it is...