Trenching in the Pipes

Now that the collectors are up, light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. (The question is, is it daylight or an oncoming freight train.) This last week was spent trenching in one inch pex tubing from the bridge to the two banks of solar collectors. I thought about...

Up go the Solar Collectors

The weather couldn’t have been better for Saturday’s solar collector raising party. Temperatures were in the low 70’s with bright sunshine. The only damper on the day was the hoards of Cajun, Asian ladybugs that were everywhere. There were thousands...

Building Solar Collector Frame – Part II

What is he building now? I’m sure that we have been the talk of the neighborhood when it comes to building this house. People have stopped by to ask what is that? A giant gazebo or is that a KFC restaurant? Well, after much deliberation, Jo and I have decided to...

Building Solar Collector Frame – Part I

Like most projects for this house, building the frame support for the solar panels has become quite an arduous task. A total of 28 post holes needed to be dug and were accomplished using an auger attached to a tractor. Even with the tractor, it was pretty much a two...

Like a Bridge Over Doubled Circulators

Like A Bridge over Doubled Circulators Okay, I know it’s a stretch but I felt compelled to some how fit Simon and Garfunkel’s song into the title. This week the bridge was completed from the second floor deck to the hill in back of the house. The idea of...

Preparing Solar Collectors

 If you recall, the February 12, 2000 journal entry discussed the arrival of the 4 x 10 foot solar panels. These panels were purchased used, so there was quite a bit of clean up work required. I had hoped that this procedure would have gone smoothly and for the most...