Bob Schneider’s Cordwood Chop-Saw

BEFORE READING ANY FURTHER — The following information is for “interesting reading material” purposes only. Chain saws are a very dangerous tool. Do not attempt to use a chain saw without fully reading the owner’s manual and following their...

Insulation for Double Cordwood Walls

All materials conduct heat, some more than others. Materials such as copper, steel, aluminum, glass and concrete are good conductors of heat; whereas wood, paper, fiberglass, cellulose and mineral wool are poor conductors. Materials that are poor conductors of heat...

Interview with James Juczak

Interview with James Juczak I first learned about Jim in a paper that he wrote for the CoCoCo/99 Papers. (CoCoCo stands for Continental Cordwood Conference.) Jim’s paper discussed various experiments and ideas for cordwood structures. I was amazed to read about...

Double-Wall Options

The last few years of El Nino and La Nina weather are a thing of the past it appears and it looks like we are in for a full blown winter. The past month has found me buttoning things up for the winter. But, just because winter has a grip on things, does not stop the...

Look! There goes a BTU into the Floor!

I returned on Saturday afternoon after spending a couple of days at home in Illinois. Weather-wise, things looked ominous for the week. The forecast called for mild temperatures, but very little in the way of sunshine. I had only a couple of days of work left before...

And the Leaks Shall Inherit the Earth

Ah yes, what would a hydronic heating project be without a few troublesome leaks? Here’s a synopsis of this last week’s tales from the field… Sunday With the weather threatening to turn wet during the week, Sunday was spent digging a pit in back of...