by Alan Stankevitz | Aug 12, 2001
In the last journal entry I complained about the heat. I really didn’t think it could get any worse, but without any wind and a prolonged period of 90 to 100 degree heat, it did. Just attempting to cut wood in the shade with the fan blowing on me at full speed...
by Alan Stankevitz | Aug 5, 2001
Temperatures this last week have been brutal along with the humidity. Highs for the entire week made it into the 90’s with one day topping out at 100 degrees with a dew point of 79. Because of the heat, I decided to do a wall on the northwest side of the house....
by Alan Stankevitz | Aug 1, 2001
All About Stuff While building cordwood walls, your mind tends to wander a bit. Besides wondering if the Cubs will ever make it to the World Series again, I sometimes think about other things too. Of particular interest to me has been the serious degradation to our...
by Alan Stankevitz | Jul 29, 2001
Behind Every Cloud There’s A Silver Lining Although the photo on the left looks rather ominous, the breeze it brought really felt good. Eventually a cool front pushed through the area lowering temperatures and dew points By Wednesday, the weather was sunny, cool...
by Alan Stankevitz | Jul 22, 2001
The Fans Follow Me No Matter Where I Go Contrary to the desert, the weather here has been a wet heat as of late. Daytime temperatures have been in the 90’s with dew points in the 70’s. The combination of both, has made life quite unpleasant as of late. I...
by Alan Stankevitz | Jul 14, 2001
I Lost My Bearings It was the front, left bearing to be exact. I was merrily on my way to Minnesota from our home in Illinois last Sunday when the truck started pulling to the left on the highway and making rather agonizing sounds. The truck’s agonizing sounds...