Cordwood Veneer for Interior Walls?

It doesn’t have the same ring to it as lions and tigers and bears, but they have been quite a menace over the last week. Monday morning the thermometer read 32 degrees and a heavy blanket of frost covered the ground, but by Thursday temperatures rebounded above...

It’s Getting A Little Nippy Up Here

Autumn arrived a few days ago and the days are getting shorter and shorter. Working until 8 p.m. is a thing of the past now and by 7 p.m. it’s getting rather dark. Yesterday I had hoped to finish wall # 17, but it just got too dark to work. This week was another...

The Days After 9/11

Over the last three days I haven’t gotten much work done on the house. The terrorist attacks on America have made working a bit difficult. Every hour or so, I dial up the Internet to find out the latest news and listen to the radio while I work. It’s a...

In Search of the Lost Cord (Or Two)

This title is a bit obscure, but for anyone who is a fan of the Moody Blues, you’ll get this pun. Anyway… The fifteenth wall was completed this week. Only one more wall and I’ll be a quarter of the way done or if you want to look at it from an...

Installing Window Frames

One of the recent questions asked on the forum was how I was able to secure the window frames by myself. Installing the first floor window frames have been quite painless (or is it pane-less?). The rusty, trusty Bobcat has been a big help as usual. Although the...

Lucky 13th Wall

Now that the house has been slowly taking shape, so has the hill in front of the house. Earlier in the summer the hill in front of the house was shaped using a bulldozer. This did a great job of leveling things out, but not good enough for seeding a lawn. I did try...