Interior Cedar Posts

Work has now shifted back into construction mode now that the heating systems are up and running. Having the luxury of indoor heat will allow me to do some cordwood work over the winter months, although it will be more of a challenge. I’ve been spoiled using a...

Is Renewable Energy a Joke?

  After many weeks of wondering if I would ever get the house ready for winter, I can now say that goal has been met. And since Murphy’s Law runs rampant at Day Creek, it will probably be a warm winter. It’s just like washing a car will make it rain...

The Answer My Friend is Blowin’ in the Cellulose

The Answer My Friend is Blowin’ in the Cellulose How many bags must be blown in an attic Before you call it R-60? Yes, ‘n’ how many logs must be mudded into a wall Before you call it a home? Yes, ‘n’ how many Btu’s does it take to...

Running the Electric Line to the House

This has been quite an event for me the last couple of days. I officially moved my living quarters from my little cabin to the wide expanses of the house on Saturday and it sure is a heck of a lot easier heating the house instead of an uninsulated shed. Unfortunately...

Foam Installation

Before I get started discussing this week’s foam installation, I thought it might be wise to reflect on what our intentions have been for this house since we started dreaming about it. Our intent has been to build the house as the last house we will ever live...

Foam Prep Work

 Another week has gone by and although the temperatures are warm today, there’s a a cold front on the way that will definitely put a chill in the air by tomorrow. As typical with most autumns, it’s never a gentle transition from warm to cold, but rather a...