Do Solar Panels Sleep at Night?

Ok that’s a pretty strange question to ask, but consider the source.After testing twelve of the twenty-four panels, I was amazed as to how much power the panels were producing even on a cloudy day. This led me to wonder if there were enough photons streaming...

On Track with the Rack

The first of the two large racks was completed this week. It was quite a laborious project, but doing the labor myself has kept the cost quite a bit lower compared to building the rack from a prepackaged kit. It took a good five hours to line up the posts in the hole...

Only 3,792 Watts to Go!

The head wound has healed nicely and the only side effect remaining is the obsessive need for putting up cordwood walls and solar panels. Other than that I feel fine.This week I was determined to make some “head-way” and by Saturday, I had 400 watts worth...

Holey Hill – Ground Mounting Solar Array

Nothing I do ever is easy and Murphy’s Law always gets in the way making a simple task quite arduous. This entire week is a case in point.I spent Monday and Tuesday site planning for the solar panel racks. At first glance, it seemed simple enough: point the...

The End of a (Subaru) Legacy

She never complained much. Occasionally she would get a little “tired” or should I say “exhausted”, but she was always willing to “strut” her stuff no matter how rough Jo treated her. Of course, there were times when she was a bad...

Here Comes the Sun

Minnesota’s Department of Commerce Solar Rebate Manager has approved my plans for a 4.2kW (Input) solar electric system. This gives me a green light to purchase and install the components. There’s certainly a lot of work ahead of me, but it’s...