"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience."
Welcome back to DayCreek.com. Daycreek.com was originally established in 1997 to chronicle our cordwood house-building adventure here in southeast Minnesota.
For those wondering, we love our cordwood house and can’t say enough good things about the house and living out in the sticks. It’s been a blast and hope to bring many more journal entries and videos to you as we move forward in our continuing adventure!
Please be sure to subscribe to our website to get the latest updates.
Thank you and enjoy our website!
—Alan Stankevitz
News You Seek from DayCreek
Interior Cordwood Wall Framing
It's been a couple of weeks since I last wrote, so I figured I better get on the stick and post a journal entry. Things have been busy here at the house the last couple of weeks and there's always odd jobs to be done besides building a house. It seems that each...
Cistern Cleaning
It's been a few years since the cistern was installed and now that I have completed the plumbing, I decided that this was a good time to clean it. It hadn't gotten a whole lot of use as of yet considering the well has been the primary source of water for mixing...
Well vs Rainwater
Over the course of the past few years I have gone back and forth as to what role the cistern and the well will play. When the well was originally drilled, the well was shocked (chlorine treatment) and tested. The results were quite good with no pollutants nor...